21 October 2014

It happens every year.......

We always
 get back to within Cooee of the Ferry in Port Melbourne
the day before boarding.


The day before

Is it necessary.

To the law of Sir absolutely yes.

Now  I Love  Melbourne,
with all its galleries, museums, theatres, shopping etc.
(Can zing across the ditch anytime to do that)


When I get that close, 
after months of being away
 I just want to get on that Ferry and be home.

None of this hovering business, really p...s  me off.

I would prefer to wing it 
fly in by the seat of the pants 
breeze in and board at the last minute.

Nope not Sirs style.

we hover...........
So near but so far.

To put a positive turn on my hissy fits disappointment.
   Grit my teeth and try and find something to do on the outskirts.

This year it was Lavandula 
a sweet little garden in the spa country of Daylesford. 

A rambling garden done with an artists eye
 lots of little quirky things to find.

Would love to be here when the lavender is blooming,
sit with a cuppa and inhale the scent.

There was even accommodation tucked in the garden.........can dream

Daylesford and surrounds will be another story it's seriously lovely.

Have already picked out the next years garden visit at Werribee
 to keep me sweet am sure Sir will oblige.



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