07 April 2014

We're gearing up for the winter migration

I know it's only Autumn
but the mind starts moving on
 and so does the routine

Sir, Rusty and I are busy.

Well maybe not Rusty
 he's still running around the garden chasing imaginary things.

Being oh so busy in his dogs world. 

Totally oblivious to the
the happenings around here and what needs to be done.

 I'm busy shutting down the garden,
prepping the house for the house sitter Deb 
boy we're lucky she's a gem,
 can leave the house with not a worry.

 Sir is busy prepping the Ute 
a NEW ute at that.
I'm still in shock

Sir happened to be walking past the Mazda shop thingy one day
stopped and  inquired  re the latest Ute,
 up shot of conversation
they made an offer he couldn't refuse.

 We are the proud owners of a whizz bang top of the range Mazda
 and a lot less dollars in the bank.

It's time,
time for the annual winter migration,
like the birds we follow the sun.

This year it will be the Gulf of Carpentaria
............I think............
as to how we get there that will just evolve.
We meet up with King R and Lady L early June 
maybe a decision will be made then.

 What ever 
I know there will be plenty of this

 And this


And looking forward to more of this 



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